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We teamed up with Oh Buttonz, a local Nashville custom button making company to bring you extra energy and love! 


This is one of the main staples of the website. Please visit for more info.

These sparkly buttonz are meant to remind people visiting the "cancer" neighborhood, that they are only there temporarily. We surround them with positivity and a constant reassurance that they "CAN."


When I see the I Can cer brand it reminds me of something Mother Teresa said:

“I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.”

Even she knew back then. Exude light, positivity and great energy.


Life is made up of energy. And giving credit to the Law of Attraction, The Secret, so many people who have figured this out before I have, we are like magnets, and we attract the energy we put out. That being said there are many t-shirts and propaganda that are very dark and negative in regards to cancer.


This is different approach focusing more on the person being CAPABLE and EQUIPPED. That they CAN, do something and ACHIEVE and ACCOMPLISH.


I just want anybody going through such a dark challenge to be armed with as much positivity and light as they possibly can be.


Whether these buttonz are for you or for a friend going through chemo, radiation, or just dealing with it on their own, have them wear these bands with confidence. Attract like light.


These buttonz are dedicated to one of the greatest women I've ever known. My aunt Georgie, or as people called her little Doode. She had more class, as her sister puts it, in her little finger, than most people ever will have. She was everything to everyone, always the first to show up and help, clean, pack, get you ready to move, move it, paint, repair… She WAS and always will be the definition of "I CAN."


Here’s to you Aunt Dode. Even before she went to be with the Lord, she was cleaning her friend’s houses to help support when they were sick, but not as much as she was. I wish she would have had this shirt. Maybe it could have added a little extra support. To all of you going through this, you are not alone. Let this simple post know people everywhere are routing for YOU to make a full and strong recovery, to be better than new. XOXO

I CAN (CER) Button

SKU: BU IC 20 U W1
  • All 3 inch buttonz are custom made. At this time custom goods are non refundable so take your time looking over the sizes.

  • Please choose carefully as items are made to order and not refundable at this time. Email us with any questions.

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